Carmichael Complex
Your Wolfpack One Card is required for entry to Carmichael Complex, NC State’s state-of-the-art gym and sport recreation center.

All fee-paid students are automatically activated for access to the gym the first day of classes each semester. Paid memberships are available by stopping by the University Recreation Member Services Suite. For more information about passes and gym access please go to the University Recreation web site at
Paid Membership includes:
- Faculty/Staff
- University Affiliate (Centennial Campus)
- Retired Faculty/Staff
- **Approved Temporary Employees and Official University Visitors
- *Alumni
**Must obtain letter from department indicating the beginning date and ending date of appointment.
*Must have an Alumni Association Membership. Alumni members are not eligible to purchase Household Member pass.
For more information on how to purchase a Carmichael Complex membership, please contact the University Recreation Member Services Suite at 515.PLAY (7529) Monday – Thursday 6 a.m -10:30 p.m., Friday 6 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., Saturday, 9a.m. – 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12 a.m – 10:30 p.m.
Carmichael Complex Access
If you have a valid NC State Wolfpack One card, you are all set! This is the card you will use to gain entry to Carmichael Complex.
If you have not obtained your card, go to the Wolfpack One card office in Talley Student Center. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Carmichael Complex photo ID cards are issued to household members of NC State students, faculty or staff who pay a fee to use the gym facilities. For more information about household memberships, please see the University Recreation website.